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The old Kentucky home, - Stephen C. Foster 켄터키 옛집 (영한 자막 Original Engl…

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The old Kentucky home, - Stephen C. Foster 켄터키 옛집 (영한 자막 Original English lyrics & Korean translation )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR7H6sMfUag Click the link if auto video feature does not work on your browser.

This song was written by the poet, Stephen
C. Foster during the time the famous novel
Uncle Tom's Cabin was wildly read by the
world. Writing about slaves' rough life, the poet
reflected his nostalgia for the house which
he visited in Kentucky State.

When Kentucky legislated the song to be
the state's signature song, the song's
original words "The darkies" was changed
to "People" to be politically correct.

However, here in this song, the word
the poet initially used, was re-used to
depict the plight & the mood of the song's
era, And in the Korean translation, the
word "black people” was used.";

이 노래는 시인 스테픈 포스터가 톰 아저씨의
오두막 (Uncle Tom's Cabin)이란 소설이
미국을 휩쓸 때 흑인들의 노예 생활의 고달픔을
읊조리며 한때 방문한 적이 있다는, 떠나 온
옛 집을 그리는 그의 향수를 노래한 것이다.

켄터키주에서 이 노래를 주를 대표하는 노래로
정하면서 이 노래에 나오는 "검은 사람들
The darkies"란 원 용어를 시대에 맞추어
"사람들"로 바꿨다.

그러나 여기 이 노래에서는 노래가 만들어진
시대를 그대로 반영하기 위해서 영어에서는
그 원 용어를 썼으며 번역에서는 그 단어를
"흑인들"로 번역했다.



원본 영어 가사

The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home, 
Tis summer, the darkies are gay;
The corn-top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom
While the birds make music all the day.

The young folks roll on the little cabin floor
All merry, all happy and bright;
By 'n by hard times comes a knocking at the door
Then my old Kentucky home, Good-night!

Weep no more my lady.
Oh! Weep no more today!
We will sing one song
For my old Kentucky home
For the old Kentucky home, far away.

They hunt no more for the possum and the coon;
On the meadow, the hill, and the shore,
They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon;
On the bench by the old cabin door.

The day goes by like a shadow o’er the heart;
With sorrow where all was delight.
The time has come when the darkies have to part;
Then, my old Kentucky home, good night!

The head must bow and the back will have to bend;
Wherever the darkies may go.
A few more days and the trouble all will end;
In the field where the sugar canes grow.

A few more days for to tote the weary load;
No matter, ‘twill never be light.
A few more days till we totter on the road;
Then, my old Kentucky home, good night!

유샤인 번역

해가 켄터키 옛집 환히 비추고
흑인들 화사한 여름;
옥수수 잘 익었고 들판 만발해
새들이 온종일 노래 부를 때.

애들 뒹구네, 초막 마루 위에서;
즐겁고, 모두 행복, 화창해;

어려운 시절 곧 다가올 테니
켄터키 내 옛집, 잘 자요!

더 울지마 자기야
더 울지마 이젠!
노래 한 곡 부르자
옛집 그리며
켄터키의 그 옛집, 저 먼 곳의.

더는 주머니쥐와 너구리 잡지 않네;
목초지, 언덕, 강변에서,
노래도 더는 안 하네 달빛 아래서;
오두막 문 곁 의자에 앉아.

가는 세월, 맘 위에 그늘처럼
슬프게 즐겁던 곳에서.
흑인들 헤어져야만 할 때가 왔네;
켄터키 우리 옛집, 잘 자요!

머리는 숙이고 등은 굽혀야 해
흑인들 가도 되는 곳마다
며칠 후 문제 다 곧 끝날 테니;
사탕수수 자라는 들판에서.

며칠 더 고달픈 짐 나른다 해도

결코 짐은 가벼워지지 않을 테고,
며칠 더 길 위에서 비틀거릴 테니;
켄터키 우리 옛집, 잘 자요!

한국에서 불러 온 번안 가사

켄터키 옛 집에 햇빛 비치어
여름 날 검둥이 시절
저 새는 긴 날을 노래 부를 때
옥수수는 벌써 익었다.
마루를 구르며 노는 어린 것
세상을 모르고 노나?
어려운 시절이 닥쳐오리니
잘 쉬어라 켄터키 옛 집
잘 쉬어라 쉬어
울지 말고 쉬어
그리운 저 켄터키 옛 집 위하여
머나먼 집 노래를 부르네


일본 버젼 켄터키 옛집

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R27Bqdy074I Click the link if auto video feature does not work on your browser.

2. 今は狩りすることもなし 


Nostalgic My Kentucky Home
Summer sunshine
Wheat is yellow and field is green
The twisted bird crows
Young people at ease
When singing
Ukiyo no Kaze Dyeing
Farewell to your hometown
Now wipe your tears
Let's sing our song
Even if I leave my Kentucky
2. I don't even hunt now
In the field and in the mountains
Look at the moon and don't sing anymore
Just crouched
A dark feather in my heart
Only think old days
Eventually come when you say goodbye
Farewell to your hometown
Now wipe your tears
Let's sing our song
Even if I leave my Kentucky

아래 글 출처: https://www.celebbeanz.com/entry/2019/04/14/195811/

 <英語歌詞> <日本語歌詞> 【津川主一 訳詞】
The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home.
‘Tis summer, the darkies are gay.
The corn top’s ripe and the meadow’s in the bloom,
While the birds make music all the day.
The young folks roll on the little cabin floor,
All merry, all happy and bright:
By ‘n’ by Hard Times comes a knocking at the door,
Then my old Kentucky home, good-night !
夏の日 来(きた)れば
畑(はた)はみのり 花は咲き
されど悲し そは夢か
Weep no more, my lady! Oh, weep no more today!
We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home,
For the old Kentucky home, far away.
※ ああ わが君 しのびたまえ
   いざ歌わん 別れの節(ふし)を
They hunt no more for the possum and the coon,
On the meadow, the hill and the shore,
They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon,
On the bench by the old cabin door.
The day goes by like a shadow o’er the heart,
With sorrow, where all was delight:
The time has come when the darkies have to part,
Then my old Kentucky home, good-night !
Chorus: ※ くりかえし
The head must bow and the back will have to bend,
Wherever the darkey may go:
A few more days, and the trouble all will end,
In the field where the sugarcanes grow.
A few more days for to tote the weary load,
No matter, ’twill never be light,
A few more days till we totter on the road,
Then my old Kentucky home good-night !
Chorus: ※ くりかえし

작성일2021-10-02 21:40

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