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비자 | Re: Advance Parole DACA 2022

페이지 정보

KCCEB 이스트베이 한인봉…


Advance Parole 신청방법에 대해 도움이 될만한 정보를 아래에 적어두었으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
저희기관이 도움을 드리면 좋을텐데 그 서비스는 올 10월이후에나 드릴 수 있어 유감입니다.
가능하다면 이민법 변호사를 찾아 문의하시기를 권해드립니다.
모쪼록 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.  감사합니다.

 Seek legal advice from an immigration attorney about the risks of traveling outside the U.S.
 You will be inspected at the border when you return, and there is always a possibility that you could be denied entry, even if the government granted you permission to travel.

Steps to apply:

1. Identify the reason for travel
 For DACA recipients, advance parole will be granted for:
1. Humanitarian reasons 2. Education 3. Employment
 Travel for vacation will not be approved by DHS for DACA recipients
 Other immigrants may be eligible for advance parole without these restrictions

2. Complete USCIS Form I-131 “Application for Travel Document”
 For DACA recipients, select box 1.d. in Part 2 “Application Type”
 Specify the intended dates of travel, and the reasons
 Skip sections 5 and 6 on reentry permits and refugee travel documents

3. Gather any supporting evidence to prove the need for travel
 Example of evidence for Humanitarian Advance Parole:
1. Medical records of elderly or sick relative
2. Birth certificates or documents proving family relationship

 Example of evidence for Educational Advance Parole:
1. Acceptance to study abroad program
2. Documentation of planned research trip
3. Letter from professor or research advisor

 Example of evidence for Employment Advance Parole:
1. Letter from employer
2. Conference invitation

4. Assemble your application packet:
 Completed application form
 A copy of your DACA approval notice
 Your supporting evidence
 Filing fee of $360

5. Mail the Advance Parole application packet via U.S. Postal Service to: 
USCIS P.O. Box 5757 Chicago, IL 60680-5757
 Don’t forget to keep a copy for yourself!

6. For more information, see USCIS’ instructions at: http://www.uscis.gov/i-131.

작성일2022-06-02 12:51

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