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FHbuyer님이 2012-02-13 14:35:46.0에 쓰신글
>답변주심에 감사드립니다.
>CA FTB에 First-Time Buyer Credit 의 금액이 적게 계산되는 것에 대해 질문을
>했더니 아래와 같은 답변이 왔습니다.
>Thank you for visiting the FTB website.
>The credit is designed to help reduce or offset your tax liability. Without being able to view your return, I can only speculate that your tax liability was $1794, which turned into $0 after applying your tax credit.
>Please visit our website again.
>답변의 내용으로 봐서는 letter에는 3년동안 매년 3333 씩 공제받을 수 있다고 했지만,
>반드시 그렇다는게 아니라 그 금액을 limit으로해서 상황에 따라 공제금액이 바뀔 수
>있다는 걸로 보이는데 그런건지요? 제가 두 개의 프로그램으로 계산해봐도 같은 금액
>으로($1794) 나오더군요. 그럼 2012년에는 공제금액이 0 가 될 수도 있다는건지요?
>미리 감사드립니다.
“The credit is designed to help reduce or offset your tax liability. Without being able to view your return, I can only speculate that your tax liability was $1794, which turned into $0 after applying your tax credit.”---> I guess the responder seems to be confused between your CA tax liability( I mean CA tax you must pay to CA FTB) and First-Time Buyer Credit; he apparently regards(speculates) your first home tax credit,$1794, as your CA tax liability that can be deducted by your first home buyer credit.I guess you need to contact CAFTB for more accurate information in detail; you may have to send a copy of Form 540 to the board.
“답변의 내용으로 봐서는 letter에는 3년동안 매년 3333 씩 공제받을 수 있다고 했지만,
반드시 그렇다는게 아니라 그 금액을 limit으로해서 상황에 따라 공제금액이 바뀔 수
있다는 걸로 보이는데 그런건지요?”-->It depends on the situation; are you subject to CA AMT??? Your CA first home buyer credit can’t reduce tax below the TMT, the tentative minimum tax. What I mean is that say your CA tax liability is $10,000 and your TMT is $9,000 , then there is AMT so your credit can reduce your tax liability up to $9,000, TMT. You mayhave to check/get Schedule P 540, Alternative Minimum Tax and Credit Limitations, for more information.
“ 제가 두 개의 프로그램으로 계산해봐도 같은 금액 으로($1794) 나오더군요. 그럼 2012년에는 공제금액이 0 가 될 수도 있다는건지요?”--->I guess it depends on your AGI/Taxable income ( as long as you are subject to AMT.).
>답변주심에 감사드립니다.
>CA FTB에 First-Time Buyer Credit 의 금액이 적게 계산되는 것에 대해 질문을
>했더니 아래와 같은 답변이 왔습니다.
>Thank you for visiting the FTB website.
>The credit is designed to help reduce or offset your tax liability. Without being able to view your return, I can only speculate that your tax liability was $1794, which turned into $0 after applying your tax credit.
>Please visit our website again.
>답변의 내용으로 봐서는 letter에는 3년동안 매년 3333 씩 공제받을 수 있다고 했지만,
>반드시 그렇다는게 아니라 그 금액을 limit으로해서 상황에 따라 공제금액이 바뀔 수
>있다는 걸로 보이는데 그런건지요? 제가 두 개의 프로그램으로 계산해봐도 같은 금액
>으로($1794) 나오더군요. 그럼 2012년에는 공제금액이 0 가 될 수도 있다는건지요?
>미리 감사드립니다.
“The credit is designed to help reduce or offset your tax liability. Without being able to view your return, I can only speculate that your tax liability was $1794, which turned into $0 after applying your tax credit.”---> I guess the responder seems to be confused between your CA tax liability( I mean CA tax you must pay to CA FTB) and First-Time Buyer Credit; he apparently regards(speculates) your first home tax credit,$1794, as your CA tax liability that can be deducted by your first home buyer credit.I guess you need to contact CAFTB for more accurate information in detail; you may have to send a copy of Form 540 to the board.
“답변의 내용으로 봐서는 letter에는 3년동안 매년 3333 씩 공제받을 수 있다고 했지만,
반드시 그렇다는게 아니라 그 금액을 limit으로해서 상황에 따라 공제금액이 바뀔 수
있다는 걸로 보이는데 그런건지요?”-->It depends on the situation; are you subject to CA AMT??? Your CA first home buyer credit can’t reduce tax below the TMT, the tentative minimum tax. What I mean is that say your CA tax liability is $10,000 and your TMT is $9,000 , then there is AMT so your credit can reduce your tax liability up to $9,000, TMT. You mayhave to check/get Schedule P 540, Alternative Minimum Tax and Credit Limitations, for more information.
“ 제가 두 개의 프로그램으로 계산해봐도 같은 금액 으로($1794) 나오더군요. 그럼 2012년에는 공제금액이 0 가 될 수도 있다는건지요?”--->I guess it depends on your AGI/Taxable income ( as long as you are subject to AMT.).
작성일2012-02-13 15:33
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