세금 | first home buyer
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모기지님이 2012-01-21 10:30:53.0에 쓰신글
>이번에 택스 보고시 작년에 집을 살때 지불했던 lone fee 에 관해서,
>공제를 받을수 있나요?
>융자한 금액에 1% 를 지불한 금액에 관한 금액을 이번 텍스 보고시에
>환불을 받을수 있는지요?
>즐거운 주말되세요...
"이번에 택스 보고시 작년에 집을 살때 지불했던 lone fee 에 관해서,
공제를 받을수 있나요?"--->Loan origination fees also called points, discount points, loan discount or premium fees, are fees paid to take out a mortgage or to reduce the interest rate on loan. The fees are typically expressed as a percentage of the loan amount, and they are tax-deductible under certain conditions.However, to deduct it onyour 2011 retuyrn, you need to itemize your deductions on Sch A of 1040.If not, you can't deduct it on your return.You need to report it on Sch A line 10.
"융자한 금액에 1% 를 지불한 금액에 관한 금액을 이번 텍스 보고시에 환불을 받을수 있는지요?"--> As said above, you need to itemize your deductions on Sch A of 1040.
>이번에 택스 보고시 작년에 집을 살때 지불했던 lone fee 에 관해서,
>공제를 받을수 있나요?
>융자한 금액에 1% 를 지불한 금액에 관한 금액을 이번 텍스 보고시에
>환불을 받을수 있는지요?
>즐거운 주말되세요...
"이번에 택스 보고시 작년에 집을 살때 지불했던 lone fee 에 관해서,
공제를 받을수 있나요?"--->Loan origination fees also called points, discount points, loan discount or premium fees, are fees paid to take out a mortgage or to reduce the interest rate on loan. The fees are typically expressed as a percentage of the loan amount, and they are tax-deductible under certain conditions.However, to deduct it onyour 2011 retuyrn, you need to itemize your deductions on Sch A of 1040.If not, you can't deduct it on your return.You need to report it on Sch A line 10.
"융자한 금액에 1% 를 지불한 금액에 관한 금액을 이번 텍스 보고시에 환불을 받을수 있는지요?"--> As said above, you need to itemize your deductions on Sch A of 1040.
작성일2012-01-22 01:12
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