민사 | 사혁원장 진리의 법창야화 [405]
페이지 정보
사혁원장 진리의 법창야화 [405]
악플러처리의 외부경제혜택 [23]
The third group has 4 kinds of defendants, Individual E, Entity E, Individual F, Entity F. Individual E used user names that contain user names/ real names/ entity names/ position names or those similar names of Plaintiff. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual E used user names of “빨갱이원장”, “빨갱이mentor”, “멘토는부끄러운거몰라”, “mentor저승사자”, “조작꾼멘토”, “맨토애비”, “맨토애미”, “이진원장존경하고사람함”, “ 멘터존경하라”, “동서대서빵”, “조작꾼스승”, “빨갱이스승님”, “빨갱이스승”, “나 mentor”, “mentor는 사기꾼”, “mentor여편네”, “멘또운정진”, “RiJin똥싸데스빵”, “똥싸때써빵”, “대서빵강고”, “멘토법율가칭찬”, “멘토어데갓노”, “맨토또라이”, “멘토만나타나면개판”, “대서방쥔장”, etc. Entity E are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual E or to which Individual E belonged. Individual F used user names that contain user names/ real names/ entity names/ position names or those similar names of other users. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual F used user names of “이용규Financeking”, “만불사기최정학”, “Realking백동하”, “영원이백동하”, “운정진CBal쫓또”, “운정진쫓빵꾸뿡”, etc. Entity F are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual E or to which Individual E belonged.
The fourth group used user names that do not belong to the above 3 groups but are used to damage Plaintiff personally. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual G used user names of “acebus”, “영롱한사랑”, “사랑의기독교”, “딸만낳았네”, “조작꾼”, “ㅉㅉㅉ”, “골빈놈”, “Valleyview”, “친북좌파”, “satellite”, “yeonheeKim”, “apollo11”, “coldblood”, “이제알긋냐?”, “이재용”, “immyla”, “성공기업”, “물타기하지마세요”, “역시유명하군”, “peacharm”, “사기꾼인가?”, “정신병원장”, “나이스맨”, “주딩만열면구라”, “여기도 엉망으로 만드네”, “bluebirds”, “서울아저씨”, “USC변호사”, “대원아저씨”, etc. Entity G are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual G or to which Individual G belonged.
The fifth group used user names that do not belong to the first 3 groups but are used to interfere with readers’ reading Plaintiff’s essays through a lot of repetitions. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual H used user names of “酒酒酒”, “生寶地”, “LA미인자궁수술”, “강정화”, “에디아빠”, etc. Besides these user names, other user names in other groups such as fake “mentor”, “재원이엄마”, “USC변호사”, “똥싸때써빵”, etc. are frequently used. Entity H are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual H or to which Individual H belonged.
동서문화원 원장/ 사법혁신원 원장/ LA서울라이온스클럽 수석부회장 이 진 213-482-1805
또 다른 연재, “사혁원장 진리의 인용/사설”은 오늘은 쉽니다.
저희의 페이스북에 저희의 글들을 찾아볼 수 있으니 들르세요. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=149736875073602#!/notes.php?id=100000018391388
그리고 중앙일보 블로그에도 있습니다.
악플러처리의 외부경제혜택 [23]
The third group has 4 kinds of defendants, Individual E, Entity E, Individual F, Entity F. Individual E used user names that contain user names/ real names/ entity names/ position names or those similar names of Plaintiff. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual E used user names of “빨갱이원장”, “빨갱이mentor”, “멘토는부끄러운거몰라”, “mentor저승사자”, “조작꾼멘토”, “맨토애비”, “맨토애미”, “이진원장존경하고사람함”, “ 멘터존경하라”, “동서대서빵”, “조작꾼스승”, “빨갱이스승님”, “빨갱이스승”, “나 mentor”, “mentor는 사기꾼”, “mentor여편네”, “멘또운정진”, “RiJin똥싸데스빵”, “똥싸때써빵”, “대서빵강고”, “멘토법율가칭찬”, “멘토어데갓노”, “맨토또라이”, “멘토만나타나면개판”, “대서방쥔장”, etc. Entity E are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual E or to which Individual E belonged. Individual F used user names that contain user names/ real names/ entity names/ position names or those similar names of other users. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual F used user names of “이용규Financeking”, “만불사기최정학”, “Realking백동하”, “영원이백동하”, “운정진CBal쫓또”, “운정진쫓빵꾸뿡”, etc. Entity F are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual E or to which Individual E belonged.
The fourth group used user names that do not belong to the above 3 groups but are used to damage Plaintiff personally. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual G used user names of “acebus”, “영롱한사랑”, “사랑의기독교”, “딸만낳았네”, “조작꾼”, “ㅉㅉㅉ”, “골빈놈”, “Valleyview”, “친북좌파”, “satellite”, “yeonheeKim”, “apollo11”, “coldblood”, “이제알긋냐?”, “이재용”, “immyla”, “성공기업”, “물타기하지마세요”, “역시유명하군”, “peacharm”, “사기꾼인가?”, “정신병원장”, “나이스맨”, “주딩만열면구라”, “여기도 엉망으로 만드네”, “bluebirds”, “서울아저씨”, “USC변호사”, “대원아저씨”, etc. Entity G are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual G or to which Individual G belonged.
The fifth group used user names that do not belong to the first 3 groups but are used to interfere with readers’ reading Plaintiff’s essays through a lot of repetitions. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual H used user names of “酒酒酒”, “生寶地”, “LA미인자궁수술”, “강정화”, “에디아빠”, etc. Besides these user names, other user names in other groups such as fake “mentor”, “재원이엄마”, “USC변호사”, “똥싸때써빵”, etc. are frequently used. Entity H are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual H or to which Individual H belonged.
동서문화원 원장/ 사법혁신원 원장/ LA서울라이온스클럽 수석부회장 이 진 213-482-1805
또 다른 연재, “사혁원장 진리의 인용/사설”은 오늘은 쉽니다.
저희의 페이스북에 저희의 글들을 찾아볼 수 있으니 들르세요. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=149736875073602#!/notes.php?id=100000018391388
그리고 중앙일보 블로그에도 있습니다.
작성일2012-01-29 14:54
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