Treasury chief looks for US economy to be open later in summer.
페이지 정보
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Wednesday that most, if not all, of the U.S. economy should be reopened by later in the summer after a devastating shutdown to try to stem the spread of the coronavirus.
"We're looking forward to by the time we get later in the summer having most of the economy if not all of the economy open," Mnuchin told Fox Business Network.
"We're looking forward to by the time we get later in the summer having most of the economy if not all of the economy open," Mnuchin told Fox Business Network.
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작성일2020-04-22 08:54
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5월2째주엔 이판사판 다ㅡ열어야 겟지...모든주가 동시에...어딘 막고 ㅇ딘 오픈하면 안되것지...다가올9월부터가 머 더 심해질거라구...그전까지 치료약 못찾으면 다시 전부 집에서 대기하냐??? 머 정부에서 돈준대면 상관없다만...마냥 줄수도 없잖아.....