* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

korean books in libraries

페이지 정보



Whenever I go to my public library, I check out the foreign books section to see how many Korean books/magazines/dvds are available. Approximately an year ago there was only one shelf dedicated to Korean books, now there are two. Yeah! That's definitely an improvement, but still....it's nothing compare to the amount of books there are for Chinese or Japanese readers.

Go to your public libraries and check out Korean books/dvds/magazines to to reaquaint yourself to Korean interests and to catch up on current events. If your library doesn't have a section dedicated to Korean interests, make a polite demand to your kind librarian that he/she order some books.

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작성일2005-05-09 23:03

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