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Sim Sang-jung " provide the Special Committee on the intention of…

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The public has now moved to the special committee for political reform at the National Assembly to discuss the plan in detail, as the ruling and opposition parties agreed to actively review detailed measures for the introduction of the joint proportional representation system by January. Sim Sang-jung Justice Party lawmakers said the “bipartisan manner, respected the meaning of as much as possible and the intention of amendment. speed of the Special Committee will proceed.”, chairman of the Special Committee on the intention of amendment.

"If the agreement is to be reached in January next year, the special committee for political reform must be prepared in December," Shim told a press conference at the National Assembly on Wednesday. "Kim Jong-min, chairman of the main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea, is more willing to reform the electoral system than anyone else, and I will hold a three-day meeting next week to discuss the issue." With only 15 days left in December to prepare the special committee for political reform, the special committee for political reform will likely speed up the pace.

"Considering the timing of the meeting, discussions on the special committee for political reform and discussions between the parties are necessary," Shim stressed. "In order for the election reform to take place, the National Assembly must agree with the 300 lawmakers in addition to the preparation of the special committee for political reform," he said. "We urge each party to come up with a strong reform plan to persuade the public and to make it visible through the National Assembly's operation committee." "The floor leaders of each party should be responsible for coordinating their interests based on the principle of sharing contents with each party's lawmakers at the same time and strengthening their representation," Shim said. "By the end of this month, we will work on the remaining issues at the same time with each party's leadership." "More than anything, now is not a "golden time" for reforming the electoral system, but a "last time" for Kim Yong-kyun's mother, who lost her son in an accident at Taean Thermal Power Plant, shouted yesterday, "I want to change our country," but the National Assembly should be replaced when the people are desperate and the issues that the people think are important. 사설토토

Regarding the agreement on the reorganization of the electoral system between the ruling and opposition parties on the previous day, Shim said, "I feel like I'm on the starting line again as chairman of the special committee for political reform," adding, "I think it's a new start that has become clear as the fog clears."

In addition, Shim pointed out three things about the agreement between the ruling and opposition parties. In three, he cited the fact that the Korean party agreed to the idea of a coalition proportional representation system, the fact that the Democratic Party and the Korean party have publicly discussed expanding the number of lawmakers that have been banned, and the time limit for the agreement to be settled until January, providing important support for the committee to speed up.

Regarding the second paragraph of the agreement on the number of lawmakers, including whether to expand the number of lawmakers within 10 percent, Shim said, "I think it is a consensus that there is a significant meaning in the public discussion on the number of lawmakers," and added, "I accept it as a compromise between those who want to increase the number of lawmakers now." "It is not only the discussion on the special committee for political reform that is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of whether it should be done within 10 percent," he said. "I don't think the chairman will decide before the special committee for political reform is even deliberated."

In addition, the ‘is willing to support the agreement of the National Assembly to reach agreement at the National Assembly.’ the Moon Jae-in, Im Jong-seok, the former president to president's remarks about in the seam." (is president,) the electoral system, in fact, with full force for reform meant as the chief of staff to the timing, such as yesterday.Thank you for a force to the electorate system reform by sending (to the National Assembly) of the electorate system reform will of the president is determined the door. " and " I believe, it is.The ruling party, including more specific role in coordinating the issues in the future can give, wouldn't expect to.

"It is a 'discussion on the election system and constitutional amendment after the election,' and when the special committee on political reform first formed, it is not different from the political party's perception of problems," Shim said. "I understand that if a difficult agreement is reached, such as reforming the electoral system, we cannot discuss constitutional amendment." Reporter Kim Kyu-nam 3strings@hani.co.kr
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작성일2018-12-16 02:17

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