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Disclosure of migrant workers, who worked 15 hours a day but still got…

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Some 60 migrant workers came to the plaza to celebrate International Day of Migrant Workers, which was set by the United Nations, after the temperature dropped to below zero on Saturday afternoon. Dec. 18 is the day the United Nations adopted the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and Their Families in 1990 and has celebrated the International Day of Migrant Workers. "The Korean society calls migrant workers "external workers" and "non-statutory" and does not recognize migrant workers as members of society on a legal basis," the union of migrant workers and the joint movement of migrant workers held at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in central Seoul on Wednesday. Migrant workers should also ensure their right as members of society.

The migrant workers said that they were not guaranteed basic rights such as the right to rest, the right to relocate their businesses, and the right to work safely. "Even if we want to relax, we have to work, and we cannot afford to pay less than 1 million won a month or change our business place," said Lee Ju-jo, chairman of the union. "What if this is not forced labor?" he said. "The outdated machines often break down, and industrial accidents leave problems and scars for migrant workers. There are many workers who lose their lives. 사다리사이트
The current foreign employment permit system prohibits migrant workers from moving their businesses without their employer's permission, which makes it difficult for migrant workers to relocate their businesses even if they receive unfair treatment. "It is common knowledge that laws and systems will be revised to the good side over time, but the treatment of migrant workers (the treatment of migrant workers) is getting worse over the next 30 years," Lee said. The government should recognize the natural rights of migrant workers.

Some pointed out the labor problem for a long time with low wages. "I have to start working at 4:30 a.m. and eat dinner at 10 a.m. and work until 7 p.m.," a migrant worker said. "When the business owner comes to work (monthly pay), it's too hard to say anything." There are times when we curse. "Because the applicants work where they have to take dangerous and long working hours, there is no time left to study Korean," said a migrant worker who applied for refugee in Egypt. "While food culture is different from Korea, most factories do not provide food for immigrants, so many workers are under a nutritional imbalance," he said.

At the press conference, some people criticized the death of unregistered migrant workers and the responsibility of the migrant workers during the fire at the gas station in Goyang. "The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Justice are still not responsible for the death of another person who died last August at the construction site of Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province," said Jeong Young-sup, a member of the joint action committee. Another 25-year-old migrant worker from Myanmar fell to the ground eight meters below the ground in August while trying to avoid a sudden breakout while eating lunch at a construction site in Gimpo. The executive board is “crackdown and deportation into policies of the unregistered immigrants can not solve the problem is proof for decades.” and " Moon Jae-in the government.Crack down on expulsion policy, the human rights is more than who can not solve the employment permit system figures, but you need to know, critical. "There was a possibility that the fire at the low-flying cows would also lead to the explosion, but the police put the crime on the social weak migrant workers. In the process, we failed to keep the basic principles of identifying migrant workers.

"A youth who goes to a working holiday to improve their foreign language skills and make money are migrant workers," the coalition said. "The migrant workers deserve protection of their individual rights regardless of their qualifications for staying in Korea."
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작성일2018-12-16 03:26

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