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UNIPAX는 미국 샌프란시스코 캘리포니아에서 가장 신뢰할 수있는 통관 전문 회사입니다

페이지 정보



오클랜드, 샌프란시스코 지역 전문 통관사

​전화주시면 바로 도와드리겠습니다.

마이클 최 : 650-438-2797

UNIPAX는 미국 샌프란시스코 캘리포니아에서 가장 신뢰할 수있는 통관 전문 회사입니다.  고객님께서 저희의 서비스에 만족하고 신뢰할수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.  UNIPAX는 샌프란시스코, 오클랜드, 산호세, 그리고 베이 지역에 기반을 두고 있지만,  리모트 서비스를 통해 미국 전역 어떤 항구나 공항에 도착하더라도 통관 서비스가 가능합니다.  Unipax는 언제나 빠르고, 전문적이고 신뢰할 수있는 통관 서비스를 보장합니다.  Unipax는 어떤 상황에서도 고객의 업무를 신속히 도와드릴수 있으며, 고객님들의 귀중한 화물을 믿고 맡길수 있는 통관사가 되기 위해 노력하겠습니다.  감사합니다.

Customs Clearance Brokers san francisco ca international shipping Freight Forwarder

High Satisfaction at Low Rate

with Thorough Handling

UNIPAX CHB INT'L. - Exceptional and Satisfactory Customs Clearance Service with over 20 years of experience.

Unipax Chb Int'l

UNIPAX  makes your job easier.


Customs Services

Formal Entries / Informal Entries

ISF (10+2) Filing

Single and Continuous Customs Bond

Remote Location Filing

ATA Carnet

Hand Carried Entries

FDA/USDA/Wildlife Animals Entries

IE, IT, and TNE

Quota Entries

Anti-Dumping / Countervailing Entries

TIB (Transit In Bond) Entries

Duty Excemption Entries

Personal Effects Entries

Section 321 (No entry, No duty)

Logistics Services

Door to Door Service

Port to Door Service

DDP/DAP/CIF/FOB/Ex-Works Rate Quotation

Inbound BBK and Document Turn-over

Cartage/Inland Delivery

Fast Pickup and Delivery Service

Long Distance Trucking

Local Trucking

Drayage Service for Full containers

Cargo Insurance

customs brokers in San Francisco CA USA - unipaxintl.com

UNIPAX is a reliable Customs Broker in San Francisco California USA and you can trust our people and services.


Dedicated to Providing

Best Customs Brokerage Service in San Francisco

 - the proven leader of Customs Brokerage Service. 


Please call Michael: 650-438-2797 

UNIPAX is a reliable Customs Broker in San Francisco California USA and you can trust our people and services.  UNIPAX provides the customs clearance service not only in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and Bay Area but in any arrival ports throughout the United States via Remote Location Filing.  With Unipax, you are guaranteed of fast, professional and reliable customs clearance services.  With Unipax, you are assured to reduce duties, avoid penalties, and eliminate compliance risk.

We are expert of US customs broker in San Francisco, clearance & brokerage, freight forwardinginternational shipping in Oakland CA USA

Customs Services

Formal Entries / Informal Entries

ISF (10+2) Filing

Single and Continuous Customs Bond

Remote Location Filing

ATA Carnet

Hand Carried Entries

FDA/USDA/Wildlife Animals Entries

IE, IT, and TNE

Quota Entries

Anti-Dumping / Countervailing Entries

TIB (Transit In Bond) Entries

Duty Excemption Entries

Personal Effects Entries

Section 321 (No entry, No duty)

San Francisco, Oakland, Bay Area 

Reliable and Professional Customs Broker 

추천 0

작성일2016-10-18 14:13

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