안전 AJ 운전학교 강력 추천 합니다.
페이지 정보
안녕하세요, 방금 막 Claremont, Oakland DMV 에서 실습 시험을 통과하고온 학생입니다.
운전 경력이 전혀 없는 상태였는데 자세한 설명과 중요한 부분을 반복적 레슨을 통하여 시험에 통과함은 물론 운전에 자신감을 주셨습니다. 강력 추천드립니다.
Hello all!
I just passed my behind-the-wheel driving test at Claremont, Oakland DMV and wanted to give a quick recommendation for AJ Driving School. Prior to taking lessons from the school, I had no driving experience. With thoughtful instructions and tips, I was able to breeze through the driving exam. Whether you are experienced or not, I wholeheartedly recommend this school. Plus the instructor is so kind and nice!
Contact AJ Driving School at 408-402-2762
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작성일2016-01-11 13:32
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