삼위일체를 고대이집트신화인 호루스신관과 무슨 연관이라도 있는 것처럼 개소리하는 놈도 있다고
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니 못돼처먹은 믿음이 올바로 교정되는데 조금이라도 도움이될거라 본다.
There is no direct relationship between the Holy Trinity and the deity Horus.
The Holy Trinity is a central doctrine in Christianity,
while Horus is an ancient Egyptian deity who was worshipped long before
the advent of Christianity.
The concept of the Holy Trinity is a belief in the unity of three distinct persons
-- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit -- as one Godhead.
Horus, on the other hand, was worshipped as the god of the sky and the sun
in ancient Egyptian religion. He was often depicted as a falcon-headed man,
and was associated with the sun and its daily journey across the sky.
While the Holy Trinity and Horus may have some similarities in their symbolism,
such as the sun and light, these similarities are not considered by Christians
to be evidence of a direct relationship between the two concepts.
The Holy Trinity is a unique doctrine that is central to Christian belief,
and is not based on or derived from ancient Egyptian religion or
any other religious tradition.
이렇게 대답을 하더라..
니 못돼처먹은 믿음이 올바로 교정되는데 조금이라도 도움이될거라 본다.
There is no direct relationship between the Holy Trinity and the deity Horus.
The Holy Trinity is a central doctrine in Christianity,
while Horus is an ancient Egyptian deity who was worshipped long before
the advent of Christianity.
The concept of the Holy Trinity is a belief in the unity of three distinct persons
-- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit -- as one Godhead.
Horus, on the other hand, was worshipped as the god of the sky and the sun
in ancient Egyptian religion. He was often depicted as a falcon-headed man,
and was associated with the sun and its daily journey across the sky.
While the Holy Trinity and Horus may have some similarities in their symbolism,
such as the sun and light, these similarities are not considered by Christians
to be evidence of a direct relationship between the two concepts.
The Holy Trinity is a unique doctrine that is central to Christian belief,
and is not based on or derived from ancient Egyptian religion or
any other religious tradition.
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작성일2023-02-12 16:55
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