삼위일체를 믿지않는 사람도 기독교인이라고 할 수 있는가?,하고 ChatGPT에 물어봤더니..
페이지 정보
Yes, individuals are free to call themselves whatever they like,
regardless of whether or not their beliefs align with traditional Christian doctrine.
However, belief in the Trinity is a central tenet of the Christian faith
and many Christians would argue that those who do not believe in the Trinity
are not truly following Christian teachings.
The concept of the Trinity is the belief that there is one God in three persons:
the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
This doctrine is considered essential to orthodox Christianity and has been held
by the majority of Christians throughout history.
Nevertheless, there are some Christian denominations,
such as Unitarian Universalists and Jehovah's Witnesses,
that do not believe in the Trinity
and have their own unique interpretations of Christian beliefs and practices.
regardless of whether or not their beliefs align with traditional Christian doctrine.
However, belief in the Trinity is a central tenet of the Christian faith
and many Christians would argue that those who do not believe in the Trinity
are not truly following Christian teachings.
The concept of the Trinity is the belief that there is one God in three persons:
the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
This doctrine is considered essential to orthodox Christianity and has been held
by the majority of Christians throughout history.
Nevertheless, there are some Christian denominations,
such as Unitarian Universalists and Jehovah's Witnesses,
that do not believe in the Trinity
and have their own unique interpretations of Christian beliefs and practices.
추천 0
작성일2023-02-10 15:37
트리니티님의 댓글
결론: 니맘대로 믿어도 누가 뭐라할 필요는 없으나
누구처럼 여호와증인 나무랄 자격은 없다는 결론
누구처럼 여호와증인 나무랄 자격은 없다는 결론
트리니티님의 댓글
아무튼 ChatGPT의 대답중에 핵심은 이것.
However, belief in the Trinity is a central tenet of the Christian faith
and many Christians would argue that those who do not believe in the Trinity
are not truly following Christian teachings.
However, belief in the Trinity is a central tenet of the Christian faith
and many Christians would argue that those who do not believe in the Trinity
are not truly following Christian teachings.
트리니티님의 댓글
삼위일체는 기독교의 기본적인 교리이며,
이것을 믿지 않는 놈들은 진정으로 기독교의 가르침을 따르지 않는 놈들이다.
즉, 이단새뀌라는 거지...ㅎㅎㅎ
이것을 믿지 않는 놈들은 진정으로 기독교의 가르침을 따르지 않는 놈들이다.
즉, 이단새뀌라는 거지...ㅎㅎㅎ
이에수님의 댓글
삼위일체 신을 믿는 넘들은 기독교인이 아니고 개독교이넘들이다.
아직도 <기독교>(= 그리스도교=기름부음 교 = 성령받음 교)와
<개독교>(狗DOG敎= 이들은 기독교를 부정한다)가 구별안되나?
아직도 <삼위일체의 근본>이 사단의 수작이란 걸 모르나?
아래를 클릭해서 읽어보라
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146407&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 --- 436
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146408&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 ---379
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146408&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 ----378
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146440&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 --- 334
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146444&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 ---356
삼위일체 신을 믿는 넘들은 기독교인이 아니고 개독교이넘들이다.
아직도 <기독교>(= 그리스도교=기름부음 교 = 성령받음 교)와
<개독교>(狗DOG敎= 이들은 기독교를 부정한다)가 구별안되나?
아직도 <삼위일체의 근본>이 사단의 수작이란 걸 모르나?
아래를 클릭해서 읽어보라
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146407&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 --- 436
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146408&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 ---379
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146408&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 ----378
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146440&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 --- 334
https://www.sfkorean.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=logreligion&wr_id=146444&sfl=wr_name%2C1&stx=%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%EC%88%98&sop=and&page=4 ---356
이에수님의 댓글
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