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c님이 2012-06-15 03:51:09.0에 쓰신글
>한국에 거주하고 있는 미시민권자 입니다.
>귀국한지 2년이 되었고 지난년도 10월 부터 직장을 다닙니다.
>거소증를 발급 받으면서 받은 번호로 세금 보고도 하고 4대 보험이란걸 냅니다.
>재외동포로 분류 되어 새로운 주민번호를 주더군요.
>이럴경우 미국에는 세금보고를 해야 하는건가요..?
>한국에 들어 와서 결혼도 했고 혼인 신고도 했습니다.
>미국에는 아직 안했구요.
>이런경우에는 세금 관계는 어떻게 해야 하는건가요..?
>세금 보고는 하지만 (한국에)그리 금액이 만치는 않고 연봉 천칠백이라고 합니다.
>소득이 없으면 세금은 보고를 안해도 된다고 알고 있는데 궁금해서 질문 드립니다.
“재외동포로 분류 되어 새로운 주민번호를 주더군요. 이럴경우 미국에는 세금보고를 해야 하는건가요..? “---->As long as you are a US citizen/ a resident alien, a green card holder, I mean, then yes; you, as a US person, are subject to US taxes , both federal/state taxes, on your US source and world wide income, in this case your income that you earn in Korea.
“한국에 들어 와서 결혼도 했고 혼인 신고도 했습니다. 미국에는 아직 안했구요.
이런경우에는 세금 관계는 어떻게 해야 하는건가요..?”---> You must either file under married filing jointly or married filing separately. If filing jointly, it is important to also determine the amount of your own and your spouse's Korean source income (if any), as well as your own and your spouse's U.S. income (if any. I guess yur spouse has no US source income, then you do not need to report it on your return). If your spouse doesn't have any U.S. income, she is not required to pay taxes to the IRS. In such case, you can choose the marriage filing separately for your own tax return. So, you need to determine your responsibilities as taxpayers. Your spouse who has no U.S. income means she had no gross income that needs to be declared to the IRS. Weigh your options whether you choose to file one joint return (married filing jointly), you want to file separate returns (married filing separately) or you will only file a separate return for yourself as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.You, as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, must report your worldwide earned income (such as wages and tips and self employment income and unearned income such as interest, dividends, capital gains, pensions, rents and royalties, including those with paid taxes in Korea.Taxes on Korean income that you or your spouse already paid in Korea may be eligible for claiming of the foreign tax credit Form 1116 by reporting it on From 1040 line 47 or line 8 on Sch A of 1040 as long as you itemize deductions on your return. or you may use the foreign earned income inclusion Form 2555 as long as you meet the requirements of th eIRS (SPT test/bona fide residence test or tax home test,OK??). The US has tax treaties with Korea, meaning you will more likely get credit for Korean income taxes already paid in Korea onyour federal and state returns. You will also get the usual standard deductions and exemption deductions based on your filing status as a US resident.
“세금 보고는 하지만 (한국에)그리 금액이 만치는 않고 연봉 천칠백이라고 합니다. 소득이 없으면 세금은 보고를 안해도 된다고 알고 있는데 궁금해서 질문 드립니다.”---->It depends; many people filed a 2011 Federal income tax return even though the income on the return was below the filing requirement. It depends on the situation if you need to file a Federal Income Tax return or if you need to stop your withholding so you will not have to file an unnecessary return in the future. For example, if you have Federal taxes withheld from your pension and wages for this tax year/or past three years and wish to get a refund back, then you need to file your return. OR as long as your self-employed(if you have self employment income) with earnings of more than $400.00 , I mean the amoun ton Sch C line 29/31 is $400or exceeds $400, then you must pay self employment tax or file Sch C of 1040.
Please visit the IRS Website here for more info; http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96623,00.html
>한국에 거주하고 있는 미시민권자 입니다.
>귀국한지 2년이 되었고 지난년도 10월 부터 직장을 다닙니다.
>거소증를 발급 받으면서 받은 번호로 세금 보고도 하고 4대 보험이란걸 냅니다.
>재외동포로 분류 되어 새로운 주민번호를 주더군요.
>이럴경우 미국에는 세금보고를 해야 하는건가요..?
>한국에 들어 와서 결혼도 했고 혼인 신고도 했습니다.
>미국에는 아직 안했구요.
>이런경우에는 세금 관계는 어떻게 해야 하는건가요..?
>세금 보고는 하지만 (한국에)그리 금액이 만치는 않고 연봉 천칠백이라고 합니다.
>소득이 없으면 세금은 보고를 안해도 된다고 알고 있는데 궁금해서 질문 드립니다.
“재외동포로 분류 되어 새로운 주민번호를 주더군요. 이럴경우 미국에는 세금보고를 해야 하는건가요..? “---->As long as you are a US citizen/ a resident alien, a green card holder, I mean, then yes; you, as a US person, are subject to US taxes , both federal/state taxes, on your US source and world wide income, in this case your income that you earn in Korea.
“한국에 들어 와서 결혼도 했고 혼인 신고도 했습니다. 미국에는 아직 안했구요.
이런경우에는 세금 관계는 어떻게 해야 하는건가요..?”---> You must either file under married filing jointly or married filing separately. If filing jointly, it is important to also determine the amount of your own and your spouse's Korean source income (if any), as well as your own and your spouse's U.S. income (if any. I guess yur spouse has no US source income, then you do not need to report it on your return). If your spouse doesn't have any U.S. income, she is not required to pay taxes to the IRS. In such case, you can choose the marriage filing separately for your own tax return. So, you need to determine your responsibilities as taxpayers. Your spouse who has no U.S. income means she had no gross income that needs to be declared to the IRS. Weigh your options whether you choose to file one joint return (married filing jointly), you want to file separate returns (married filing separately) or you will only file a separate return for yourself as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.You, as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, must report your worldwide earned income (such as wages and tips and self employment income and unearned income such as interest, dividends, capital gains, pensions, rents and royalties, including those with paid taxes in Korea.Taxes on Korean income that you or your spouse already paid in Korea may be eligible for claiming of the foreign tax credit Form 1116 by reporting it on From 1040 line 47 or line 8 on Sch A of 1040 as long as you itemize deductions on your return. or you may use the foreign earned income inclusion Form 2555 as long as you meet the requirements of th eIRS (SPT test/bona fide residence test or tax home test,OK??). The US has tax treaties with Korea, meaning you will more likely get credit for Korean income taxes already paid in Korea onyour federal and state returns. You will also get the usual standard deductions and exemption deductions based on your filing status as a US resident.
“세금 보고는 하지만 (한국에)그리 금액이 만치는 않고 연봉 천칠백이라고 합니다. 소득이 없으면 세금은 보고를 안해도 된다고 알고 있는데 궁금해서 질문 드립니다.”---->It depends; many people filed a 2011 Federal income tax return even though the income on the return was below the filing requirement. It depends on the situation if you need to file a Federal Income Tax return or if you need to stop your withholding so you will not have to file an unnecessary return in the future. For example, if you have Federal taxes withheld from your pension and wages for this tax year/or past three years and wish to get a refund back, then you need to file your return. OR as long as your self-employed(if you have self employment income) with earnings of more than $400.00 , I mean the amoun ton Sch C line 29/31 is $400or exceeds $400, then you must pay self employment tax or file Sch C of 1040.
Please visit the IRS Website here for more info; http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96623,00.html
작성일2012-06-16 19:36
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