미국 닭,돼지,소 가공 공장들 코로나 확진자 무더기 발생, 직원들 사망
페이지 정보
미국 최대 돼지 가공 공장, 타이슨 푸드 코로나로 직원 두명 사망. 148명 확진자 발생. 4월 6일 문 닫음 미국 두번째 규모 돼지 가공 공장, 스미스필드 직원 한명 사망 644명 확진자 발생. JBS USA 소 가공 공장 50명 확진자 발생 4월 7일 문 닫음 미국 7번째 규모 치킨 가공 공장, 웨인팜 직원들 확진자수, 발생지역 공개 거부 ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ Two employees of Tyson Foods, Iowa, the largest pork processing plants in the US, died of the coronavirus. It had 148 confirmed cases and closed on April 6 due to the outbreak. Tyson Food is the second largest chicken, beef and pork processor in the world. A worker at Smithfield Foods, S.D., died from coronavirus. which also had 644 confirmed cases. JBS USA beef plant, PA, closed on April 7 and shuttered its Greeley, Colorado, beef facility after at least 50 of its 6,000 plant employees tested positive for covid-19. Wayne Farms' 11 chicken processing plants and two of its 17 feed mills and hatcheries in the southeastern U.S., infected with coronavirus. the poultry producer declined to specify the number of employees who tested positive for the virus nor identify the affected sites. With annual sales exceeding $2 billion, the Oakwood, Georgia-based processor is the country's seventh-largest poultry producer and employs more than 9,000 people in five states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi and North Carolina. |
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