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【Tiger Club】Paul Lambert: How to balance work and life, and enjoy the…

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In our rapidly changing society, people are increasingly realizing the importance of balancing work and life. A healthy work-life balance is crucial to one’s mental and physical health and career development. Against this backdrop, the role of investing is being re-examined. It is viewed as a key tool for achieving work-life balance, not only for achieving financial freedom but also as a way to enjoy life. Paul Lambert from Tiger Club Academy believes that investing is not only a means to make money but also a lifestyle. He said, “Investing is a part of my life; I find pleasure and a sense of achievement in it.” He emphasized that investing should not become a burden in our life but should be a source of pleasure and a way for us to better understand the world. In the investment process, Paul Lambert advocates a frontline investment strategy. He has previously explained the use of this strategy, but Paul Lambert added that investors need a deeper understanding of the companies they invest in. Only with sufficient understanding of the company’s business model, industry position, and future development can they make wise investment decisions. He said, “I don’t believe there are shortcuts in investing, only through in-depth research and understanding can one find genuine investment opportunities.” Next, Paul Lambert emphasized that investors need patience as investing is like planting trees; it takes time to see the results. He said, “Investing is not a get-rich-quick game, real investing requires patience and perseverance.” He also pointed out that investors should view investment as a long-term commitment, not short-term gambling. Paul Lambert also suggested that investors need to have their own investment principles, which can help them stay calm in the face of market fluctuations. He said, “The market will always fluctuate, what’s important is how we deal with these fluctuations. With investment principles, we can remain calm during market fluctuations and stick to our investment decisions.” Investment principles are a crucial concept that Paul Lambert emphasizes. He believes that a good investor must have their own investment principles and stick to them regardless of market volatility, and should not be easily influenced by short-term market fluctuations. He said, “Short-term market fluctuations are unpredictable, what we need to do is to stick to our investment principles, only in this way can we get stable returns in the long-term market development.” In addition, Paul Lambert emphasized that investors should combine investment well with life. He said, “Investing should not be our entire life, there are many other things that we need to pay attention to.” He advised investors to find time to invest amid busy work and life, and also to ensure enough rest and leisure time. Paul Lambert stressed that investors need to enjoy the investment process, not just focus on the results. He said, “Investing is like a journey, the important thing is not the destination but the journey itself.” He believes that the research and decision-making process during the investment can help investors improve their judgment and decision-making abilities, which is very beneficial for personal growth. Paul Lambert’s investment philosophy can be summarized as: deep understanding, patience, sticking to principles, balancing life, and enjoying the process. He believes that only in this way can investors find their place in the world of investment, achieve personal financial freedom, and find pleasure in it.
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작성일2023-10-03 07:58

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