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◇ 22.3% of financial difficulties

페이지 정보



The biggest reason why small and medium-sized companies are having financial difficulties this year is because of poor sales.

The Korea Federation of Small and Medium Businesses (Chairman Park Seong-taek) announced the results of its survey on 300 small and medium-sized businesses in 2018 titled "Finance of Financial Utilization and Difficulties of Small and Medium Businesses" on the 16th.

According to the report, 안전놀이터추천
only one out of five respondents (22 percent) answered that their financial situation was "good" compared to last year. The respondents said that they were 'similar to previous years' and 'deteriorated' accounted for 55.7 percent and 22.3 percent, respectively.

Poor sales were the highest at 67.2 percent due to financial difficulties. It was followed by "increase in prices of raw materials and materials" (40.3%) and "increase in personnel costs" (38.8%). In particular, the proportion of people suffering from rising human cost increased 21.5 percent from 17.3 percent last year. This is interpreted as a reflection of the impact of the minimum wage increase.

On the outlook for next year's capital demand, 72.3 percent of companies said they will maintain the level of funding this year. Next year's capital demand for small and medium-sized enterprises is expected to fall, with the number of "increased" (8.6 percent) decreasing by 7.4 percent and the number of "reduction" (19 percent) increasing by 2.0 percent.

The major financial uses of companies increased 11.4 percent year-on-year by 38.5 percent and 38.5 percent by year-on-year. Facility investment (26.9 percent) for investment purposes decreased by 2.3 percent year-on-year.

"We need active support from financial authorities and financial institutions so that small and medium-sized companies can overcome psychological deterioration and recover capital demand for investment purposes such as facility investment and research and development," said Lee Jae-won, head of the Economic Policy Division of the Federation of Small and Medium Business.
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작성일2018-12-16 02:41

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